Zephyr Heights Local News Station


By Skye Silver, September 18, 2023 11:56 P.M. ZHT

WHAT WAS ONCE THE CITY WITHOUT CRIME has now become the city with the most crime in one night as widespread panic swept the city after the sudden disappearance of magic.One resident, Alfred Venturer, described the situation: "Ponies everywhere were scrambling around like chickens with their heads cut off," he said. "It was madness. Shattered windows, crashed cars, and worst of all, dead pegasi that fell from the sky. I'm just glad I was on the ground when it happened."A local authority also said this: "We were all shocked to find out that 43 crimes were happening all at the same time. Needless to say it was a lot of work for us officers."As for why the wave happened, nopony knows. Some believe that it was because they thought the world was ending, while other ponies believe it's because of last week's scandal that got former comedian Klaus Pennybanks kicked out of the famous comedy quintet, The Misfits.But one mare who insisted to remain anonymous blames the notorious killer Primrose Petals for the mishap: "If she could have just snapped out of her anger, none of this would've happened."Whatever the reason, one thing's for certain, according to Venturer: "The Manehattan Project is not gonna continue for quite some time."Skye Silver, ZBS Live, Manehattan.

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